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On Ramps Covenant Church
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The following information is available for On Ramps Covenant Church:

A church in the Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, On Ramps was planted in 2011 in the Lowell Neighborhood.

On Ramps Covenant Church is a multi-ethnic, multi-class, multi-cultural, multi-generational church that is pursuing reconciliation. At On Ramps we embrace tension. Where other churches divide, we lean in. We are a tongue-speaking, book of common prayer-reading, gospel-singing, lectio divina-participating, flip flop-wearing, stained glass-displaying, miracles-believing church. We believe all of this is from God. Therefore, we create room for it all and trust the Holy Spirit to make it all work. On Ramps is intentional about living out the mission of the church as a faith community that "gathers" and "scatters." We believe that while gathering is a pretty natural function of the 21st Century American Church, scattering is not. Therefore, On Ramps has asked people to convene a variety of Impact Groups throughout the City. Impact Groups are designed to facilitate people going Deeper in Christ and Further in Mission.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for On Ramps Covenant Church:

Tuesday:06:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Saturday:06:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

On Ramps Covenant Church can be found at the following address:

1955 Broadway St

Check the map to see where you can find On Ramps Covenant Church.


The following categories describe(s) On Ramps Covenant Church:

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with On Ramps Covenant Church:

(559) 481-1120

Check the following website for On Ramps Covenant Church:


What has happend at On Ramps Covenant Church lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Tuesday, April 16 ○Read- Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19 ○Reflect Today the Holy Week journey is about the sense of hearing: our hearing, to be sure, but the psalmist is primarily concerned with God’s ability to hear us. I don’t know what the “inclined ear” of God looks like, but I know what it feels like. It is the feeling of hope—hope that our petitions are not uttered in vain. Whether we lift our prayers aloud in a public space or in the unsettled silence of our hearts, God’s eager ears are an embodied metaphor for the abiding promise of the Divine, who receives our calls and cries. If ever there was a week we needed to cling to the hope that God hears our prayers, this is it. When the powers within and around us seek to swallow up the message of the good news of Jesus, we require the keen hearing of the inclined ear of a God who holds fast to us in merciful love. ○Pray Hear us, O God, for your mercy is great. As momentum builds toward our inevitable betrayal of your Son, receive our hopeful prayers with forgiving ears. Amen.


Monday, April 15 ○Read- Exodus 12:1–4 [5–10], 11–14 ○Reflect Yesterday the hosannas ceased as Christ’s passion began. We enter Holy Week, following in the way of Jesus, whose very body will be betrayed, beaten, and broken by us and for us. This is not the first time God has journeyed with God’s people from death to life. The Passover in Exodus reminds us of this wellworn path. God passed over the people living-to-die in Egypt so they might experience dying-into-life in the promised land. On this “day of remembrance,” God’s people are re-membered to the divine promises of life—a rememberment that takes place in our very bodies. This Holy Week is a full-on body journey as we accompany Jesus, God’s own embodiment, from life to death to life resurrected. Each day our bodily senses will be awoken and animated as we experience the passion that takes us to the cross and beyond. Along the way, we too are re-membered to the body of one who leads us out of death to life evermore. ○Pray Enliven our senses, O God, to your presence at work in our bodies. As we enter again into the story of your passionate love for us, hold us close, body to body. Amen.


Pastor Rici Skei spent her weekend preaching about The Father's Glory in Oakland, Ca. She says: "If you are not willing to endure Good Friday and Silent Saturday, you will never be able to experience the joy of Resurrection Sunday...WAIT FOR IT! . . Grateful for the wonderful congregation of First Covenant Church. What a blessing it was being with you all this weekend." . . Welcome back home Pastor Rici! #ecc #pswc #ministry #ministrylife #prayer #preachers #womeninministry #womensministry #church #kingdom #Bible #leadership #carrytheword #ladypreachers #ladypastors #firstatthetomb


Were you able to be with us last night? What an encounter with God The Father!! Chains were broken and surrender was happening as Mama Marcia led us into a time of reflection of our past then gave us permission to pin it to the cross and we sat at the table with The Father!! 💓😭 Were you there? If you were not present and able to take some time to watch the replay, here it is for you... If you don't remember anything else, remember these 3 things.... 1.) Accepted 2.)Adopted 3.)Access -- 2 Samuel 9:1-13


Palm Sunday, April 14 ○Read- John 7:38 ○Reflect At the beginning of Holy Week we start the journey with Jesus to the cross. Yet we follow Jesus’ passion, aware of the events that will culminate a week from today in the celebration of Easter. Jesus Christ is risen, today and every day. Already in the midst of the passion we can celebrate Jesus as our risen Lord. We live every moment in the Easter promise—redeemed sinners to whom God speaks and listens, and whom God loves deeply. The risen Jesus speaks to us already in and through the days of his passion in a voice of power and compassion: “I freely give you living water. You need not search for a well; you don’t have to dig your own. You live surrounded by this water, and springs of it flow from your heart. I rose from the dead for you; you live and move and have your being in me. The same power that raised me from the dead—the Holy Spirit—now dwells in you. Hear my voice, and live!” ○Pray Holy God, Maker of all that is seen and unseen: Lead me to live in the freedom of the risen Jesus, and empower me through the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Tonight is our Communion Gathering! Where we deepen our Community. Our communion time is a time of consecration where we evaluate our relationship with God through prayer, repentance, asking for forgiveness and then going to any open station to receive the sacrament. This is done individually on your time as we make space. Taking this time is showing The Father how much you truly value Him for who He is. We are expecting a move from God as Nina Kenny prepares for Worship through music and Mama Marcia Christian Bell prepares to bring the Word! Hope to see you at 6:00pm Gathering or Live right here via FB!


Saturday, April 13 ○Read- Psalm 51 ○Reflect The silence of God that flowed out of Jesus’ last breath on the cross will continue in the silence of the tomb on Holy Saturday. Yet even in this silence, God speaks to us, offering us the simple silence of waiting and rest. The silence beckons us to consider how to rest today, but it calls us to a rest that makes us uncomfortable and fearful: the rest of silence in the darkness of the tomb. For after all, Jesus lay completely dead in the earth; hope seemed lost. Yet we can, with God’s help, embrace the discomfort and come to Jesus for rest. We can be confident that when we come to Jesus full of the weariness of living, worn out and sad, still here at the tomb we will find in Jesus our resting place. ○Pray Jesus, help me in my discomfort, in the places of life that make me weary and sad. Give me your rest, Lord. Amen.


Friday, April 12 ○Read- Luke 23:1–49 ○Reflect Luke records Jesus as speaking sparingly during his passion, and sometimes not at all. Most of the voices around him shout, accuse, and mock. Yet, in a situation of riot and suffering, Jesus embodies the still, small voice of God, meeting his accusers with the silence of God that believers sometimes fear and the world still mocks. Yet Jesus does not experience death in complete silence. The last words he speaks before his death are ones on which we can meditate today. As Jesus is crucified between two criminals and his mockers gamble for his clothing, he says, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” As one thief joins the taunts, the other asks Jesus to remember him and hears Jesus’ promise, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Finally, Jesus—God incarnate—dies with the final words, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And Jesus’ voice is silent again. ○Pray Creator, Christ, Holy Spirit: Guide me to know you and experience your presence, even when you seem silent. Help me and refresh me in this silence, as I wait for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


GOOD FRIDAY... In the Fresno area? Make plans to join us. Stations of the Cross will be self-guided and "open house" style during the 2 times listed. Then, join us for a 1 hour Good Friday Gathering with worship through music, prayer, and a few short sermons from participants in our Preachers' Learning Community.


Back at the Park THIS MONTH!!!!! 🙌 Every 4th Saturday from April until October we will be at Dickey Park for Fulfillment Gathering! Prepare by bringing your lawn chair or blanket, allergy pills, your Worship, Praise and some friends for a wonderful time in the Lord's presence. Also, if you are interested in being baptized, let us know right away by clicking the "message" button at the top of this page........... Come on out & spread the word!!! #ecc #pswc #fresno #lowell #onramps #ahealingcommunity #healingitscommunity #fulfillmentworshipgathering #worship #praise #prayer #preaching #food #children #youth #baptisms


Just a little family fun? Join in! We are looking forward to these comments. Laugh a little!😂


Wednesday, April 10 ○Read- Psalm 31:9–16 ○Reflect Even as Christ continues to call us with the promise that his sheep will hear and know his voice, the voices of this world compete to crowd out the steady rhythm of our heart beating in time with God’s. We hear the whispers and shouts of many who entice us to follow other gods, like money, our appetites, pride, and achievement. These voices clamor for us to give up on a God who would live in a weak human body and die for our sins. Judas heard these other voices as he decided before the Last Supper to betray Jesus. Holy Week challenges our views of what voice to listen to as we witness the suffering of God incarnate out of love for Creation. But, thankfully, we do not have to give in to the many whispers and shouts. We can say, “I trust in you, O lord. ... You are my God. My times are in your hand; deliver me.” ○Pray Trinitarian God, let your face shine upon me; save me in your steadfast love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Tuesday Impact!!! We look forward to you growing in your relationship with God and His Word with us tonight!! Where do you feel God leading you to grow?


Many have been curious!!.....Who are the Mission Builders behind catalyzing the Vision of On Ramps Church? We present to you, Staff Highlights!! 🙌🏽 There is a team of dedicated Mission Builders who serve and give their time to the Vision and Mission of On Ramps daily!! . . . . MEET........Yarra Torres!!! Yarra is On Ramps Children's Ministry Director! She has a soft heart of compassion for children. With her meek spirit she is truly loved and valued by ALL the children! She thinks of creative ways to engage children so they grasp the Word in their hearts and she covers the entire ministry in constant prayer! MS. YARA IS THE BEST! We so appreciate you Yarra for being a huge part of the body! YARRA'S ROLE: To minister to children by creating an environment that; keeps them safe, allows children to develop their own relationship with God, teaches biblical truth and is fun plus invigorting! Everyone shout📣 a BIG "Thank God for YARRA TORRES!" 🙌🏾


Tuesday, April 9 ○Read- Isaiah 50:4–9 ○Reflect Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God has given us the ability to listen with our hearts, even when our ears may not hear so clearly. The voice of Jesus, speaking to our hearts through the indwelling Holy Spirit, is the voice of a teacher leading us on the path of humility and reassuring us as we prepare for Holy Week. Even as we know this path leads toward death, we can walk it without turning back and without hiding. Whatever God is calling us to do right now, God is here, empowering us to do it. Christ speaks to us with a word to sustain us in our weariness, to let us know that God is with us. ○Pray Oh God, great Three-in-One, morning by morning, waken the ears of my heart to hear you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Monday, April 8 ○Read- Luke 19:28–40 ○Reflect Nothing can stop the voice of Jesus, or stop those who hear his voice. Palm Sunday begins joyfully with a multitude following and praising Jesus, but the week will end with Jesus on the cross, surrounded by only a core of faithful women and men. The shouts of praise will be replaced by wails of lament as Jesus speaks his last words on the cross. But this is not the end. For as Jesus foretells, though his followers become silent, like Peter disavowing him in his final hours, the stones cry out as an earthquake rattles the land at Jesus’ death. Even this is not the end, for Jesus will rise from the grave and forever change reality. His followers will go on to praise God and spread the gospel of salvation throughout the world. The stones will indeed cry out and speak boldly throughout history. Today, we are those living stones, the temple of the Lord’s dwelling, who shout out in response to Christ, our risen Lord. What are we saying? To whom are we speaking the message? ○Pray Oh, holy God—Creator, Christ, Holy Spirit—guide my speech and guide my listening, so that I may hear you and speak of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Sunday, April 7 ○Read- Isaiah 60:1-3 ○Reflect The words of the Prophet here portray Jesus as a light shining from above, like the sun, illuminating our path forward, pushing away the shadows, and empowering us to see not only Jesus but the world around us—the world God loves so much that God gave Godself to and for it. Traveling with Jesus, we find our days brightened—not because we ignore the darkness, but because we walk with “the light [that] shines in the darkness, and the darkness [does] not overcome it” (John 1:5). ○Pray Jesus, thank you for being the light of this world, the light of our lives, the light that even brightens the tomb and illumines the way to everlasting life. Amen.


Tonight is our Foundation Gathering! Where it's time to be students together and deepen what we believe about God. We anticipate a move from God and you do not want to miss His overwhelming love. See you there at 6pm or right here via FB Live!


"When we get together there's less of a chance that we will get lost...and less of a chance for emotional unhealth. " -Paul Wilson, Pacific South West Conference Superintendent of the Evangelical Covenant Church


Here you can find pictures from On Ramps Covenant Church:


Here you can find videos from On Ramps Covenant Church:

Worship Gathering 3-9-19

REIGN Quarter Emphasis:The King Month Emphasis: Jesus, Coming King COMMUNION GATHERING:Family – Deepen Our Community Sermon: Eric Mueller

REIGN QE:The King ME:Jesus, Coming King Speaker: Phil Skei

Worship Gathering 3-2-19 | Part 2

REIGN Quarter Emphasis: The King Month Emphasis: Jesus, Coming King FOUNDATION GATHERING: Students – Communicate a Creed to Live By Sermon: Phil Skei

Worship Gathering 3-2-19

REIGN Quarter Emphasis: The King Month Emphasis: Jesus, Coming King FOUNDATION GATHERING: Students – Communicate a Creed to Live By Sermon: Phil Skei

Worship Gathering 2-9-19

REIGN Quarter Emphasis:The King Month Emphasis: Prepare the Way COMMUNION GATHERING:Family – Deepen Our Community Sermon: Jessica Mast-Foss

Worship Gathering 2-2-19

REIGN Quarter Emphasis:The King Month Emphasis: Prepare the Way FOUNDATION GATHERING: Students – Communicate a Creed to Live By Sermon: Pastor Phil Skei

Secrets, Silos, and Sleep Deprivation...

Join us at 6pm! Communion Worship Gathering 1955 Broadway 93721

On Ramps Merchandise has arrived!!!! Bring your cash, cards, or checks to purchase shirts and hoodies TONIGHT! Other merchandise is coming soon...hang tight! #ahealingcommunity #healingitscommunity #ilovemychurch


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Feel free to send us a message!

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